On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 11:09 PM, Mark
thought of a simple, yet powerful idea, anyone want to give this ago?
It will be the start of making ontologies more sanily usable for java
@relation(name="OwnerPetRelation", verb="IsOwnerOf")
Set<Pet> pets;
@relation(name="OwnerPetRelation", verb="IsOwnedByf")
Person owner;
IsOwnerOf and IsOwnedBy do not live on the classpath. The engine
detects those annotations and generates them as internal classes. Or
actually it can be one class, where it's able to use the two keywords
to reference that class in either direction. When you insert your
Persons and Pets, the relations are automatically inserted too
(assuming there are rules that use them). This allows people to more
naturally explore the relational aspect of their data, without having
to create and insert the relations themselves. Once a Relation is being
maintained by the engine, any updates to the underlying collection will
result in relations being added and removed.
If we build in relation inferrence, to avoid the extra binding, it
would mean that by simply annotating their classes people can do the
following (Assuming Cat is a type of Pet):
Person( location == London ) IsOwnerOf() Cat( color == "Tabby")
The above will get all my london people and their tabby cats. The
simply placement of the IsOwnerOf() pattern, would be nice if () was
optioal, would constrain the Cat to those related to the Owner. i.e.
the short hand equivalent of:
$p : Person( location == London ) IsOwnerOf( owner == $p, $c : Cat )
Cat( this == $c, color == "Tabby")
I think that's powerful and provides for a hyrbid OO and Relational
modelling approaches, asthey can still use graph notation:
person.pets[0].color == "tabby"
This also solves the question that people always ask, how do I insert
my collection. With that in place there would still be plenty more to
do, like constraints, but it would be a start to improving Drools'
relationahip programming "out of the box" capabilities. So who's game?
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