I am very new to Drools. I need to know from where I can get some resources on DSL Syntax in 4.0. Examples etc. I am working on a project which used Drools 3 and my job is to upgrade it to 4.0. I am able to get everything compiled but getting stuck at loading DSLs. For example: I am getting an exception like:
An exception occurred while attempting to parse a Validation rule in ABC
Failed to add the compiled rule package to the RuleBase cause by: Unable to resolve ObjectType 'orRiskTO' : [Rule name=Certificate]
Unable to resolve ObjectType 'orRiskTO' : [Rule name=Certificate, agendaGroup=Rating, salience=0, no-loop=false]
Rule Compilation error : [Rule name=Dwellings, agendaGroup=Rating, salience=0, no-loop=false]
rating/Rule_Dwellings_0.java (36:39) : A method named "intValue" is not declared in any enclosing class nor any supertype, nor through a static import
at org.drools.rule.Package.checkValidity(Package.java:409)
at org.drools.common.AbstractRuleBase.addPackage(AbstractRuleBase.java:262)
at com.citizens.ratebook.RatebookRuleBaseFactory.buildValidationsRulebase(RatebookRuleBaseFactory.java:168)
... 29 more
Saleem Lakhani