Hi Wolfgang,

Yeah sorry, I couldn't remember how far I took it. Unfortunately I haven't had a lot of time to take it further, so.... if you want to contribute anything you do back I will buy you a drink :-)


2009/3/25 Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.laun@gmail.com>
Hello Steve,

well, hm, yes, I'd seen from the source that it's possible to pass in arrays of strings as actual parameters. But I'd thought of pushing this just one small step further.

From a TemplateContainer created from a template .drl file (no column data yet) you could learn the column names. These names should correspond to fields in a Bean. Access a Bean Object collection, retrieving the values (by reflection) to expand the templates into actual rules.

Since there is a public Column[] getColumns in TemplateContainer, it's no big deal to implement it in an application, so I won't insist ;-)


2009/3/25 Steven Williams <stevearoonie@gmail.com>

Hi Wolfgang,

This has already been done - take a look at the tests in the templates project. I think I also put some in the examples project.


2009/3/25 Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.laun@gmail.com>
Actual parameters for Rule Templates are currently supposed to come from decision tables, actually spreadsheets.

It would not be too difficult to extend the current API so that rule instantiation takes the actual parameters from an object.

What do you think?


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Stevie Williams
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