3.6. Advanced Conditional Elements


(updated to Drools 4.0)

Drools 4.0 introduces a whole new set of conditional elements in order to support full First Order Logic expressiveness, as well as some facilities for handling collections of facts. This section will detail the following new Conditional Elements:

3.6.1. From

The from Conditional Element allows users to specify a source for patterns to reason over. This allows the engine to reason over data not in the Working Memory. This could be a sub-field on a bound variable or the results of a method call. It is a powerful construction that allows out of the box integration with other application components and frameworks. One common example is the integration with data retrieved on-demand from databases using hibernate named queries.

The expression used to define the object source is any expression that follows regular MVEL syntax. I.e., it allows you to easily use object property navigation, execute method calls and access maps and collections elements.

Here is a simple example of reasoning and binding on another pattern sub-field:

rule "validate zipcode"
    Person( $personAddress : address ) 
    Address( zipcode == "23920W") from $personAddress 
    # zip code is ok

With all the flexibility from the new expressiveness in the Drools engine you can slice and dice this problem many ways. This is the same but shows how you can use a graph notation with the 'from':

rule "validate zipcode"
    $p : Person( ) 
    $a : Address( zipcode == "23920W") from $p.address 
    # zip code is ok

Previous examples were reasoning over a single pattern. The from CE also support object sources that return a collection of objects. In that case, from will iterate over all objects in the collection and try to match each of them individually. For instance, if we want a rule that applies 10% discount to each item in an order, we could do:

rule "apply 10% discount to all items over US$ 100,00 in an order"
    $order : Order()
    $item  : OrderItem( value > 100 ) from $order.items
    # apply discount to $item

The above example will cause the rule to fire once for each item whose value is greater than 100 for each given order.

The next example shows how we can reason over the results of a hibernate query. The Restaurant pattern will reason over and bind with each result in turn:

3.6.2. Collect

The collect Conditional Element allows rules to reason over collection of objects collected from the given source or from the working memory. A simple example:

import java.util.ArrayList

rule "Raise priority if system has more than 3 pending alarms"
    $system : System()
    $alarms : ArrayList( size >= 3 )
              from collect( Alarm( system == $system, status == 'pending' ) )
    # Raise priority, because system $system has
    # 3 or more alarms pending. The pending alarms
    # are $alarms.

In the above example, the rule will look for all pending alarms in the working memory for each given system and group them in ArrayLists. If 3 or more alarms are found for a given system, the rule will fire.

The collect CE result pattern can be any concrete class that implements tha java.util.Collection interface and provides a default no-arg public constructor. I.e., you can use default java collections like ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, etc, or your own class, as long as it implements the java.util.Collection interface and provide a default no-arg public constructor.

Both source and result patterns can be constrained as any other pattern.

Variables bound before the collect CE are in the scope of both source and result patterns and as so, you can use them to constrain both your source and result patterns. Although, the collect( ... ) is a scope delimiter for bindings, meaning that any binding made inside of it, is not available for use outside of it.

Collect accepts nested from elements, so the following example is a valid use of collect:

import java.util.LinkedList;

rule "Send a message to all mothers"
    $town : Town( name == 'Paris' )
    $mothers : LinkedList() 
               from collect( Person( gender == 'F', children > 0 ) 
                             from $town.getPeople() 
    # send a message to all mothers

3.6.3. Accumulate

The accumulate Conditional Element is a more flexible and powerful form of collect Conditional Element, in the sense that it can be used to do what collect CE does and also do things that collect CE is not capable to do. Basically what it does is it allows a rule to iterate over a collection of objects, executing custom actions for each of the elements, and at the end return a result object.

The general syntax of the accumulate CE is:

<result pattern> from accumulate( <source pattern>,
                                  init( <init code> ),
                                  action( <action code> ),
                                  reverse( <reverse code> ),
                                  result( <result expression> ) )

The meaning of each of the elements is the following:

  • <source pattern>: the source pattern is a regular pattern that the engine will try to match against each of the source objects.

  • <init code>: this is a semantic block of code in the selected dialect that will be executed once for each tuple, before iterating over the source objects.

  • <action code>: this is a semantic block of code in the selected dialect that will be executed for each of the source objects.

  • <reverse code>: this is an optional semantic block of code in the selected dialect that if present will be executed for each source object that no longer matches the source pattern. The objective of this code block is to "undo" any calculation done in the <action code> block, so that the engine can do decremental calculation when a source object is modified or retracted, hugely improving performance of these operations.

  • <result expression>: this is a semantic expression in the selected dialect that is executed after all source objects are iterated.

  • <result pattern>: this is a regular pattern that the engine tries to match against the object returned from the <result expression>. If it matches, the accumulate conditional element evaluates to true and the engine proceeds with the evaluation of the next CE in the rule. If it does not matches, the accumulate CE evaluates to false and the engine stops evaluating CEs for that rule.

It is easier to understand if we look at an example:

rule "Apply 10% discount to orders over US$ 100,00"
    $order : Order()
    $total : Number( doubleValue > 100 ) 
             from accumulate( OrderItem( order == $order, $value : value ),
                              init( double total = 0; ),
                              action( total += $value; ),
                              reverse( total -= $value; ),
                              result( total ) )
    # apply discount to $order

In the above example, for each Order() in the working memory, the engine will execute the init code initializing the total variable to zero. Then it will iterate over all OrderItem() objects for that order, executing the action for each one (in the example, it will sum the value of all items into the total variable). After iterating over all OrderItem, it will return the value corresponding to the result expression (in the above example, the value of the total variable). Finally, the engine will try to match the result with the Number() pattern and if the double value is greater than 100, the rule will fire.

The example used java as the semantic dialect, and as such, note that the usage of ';' is mandatory in the init, action and reverse code blocks. The result is an expression and as such, it does not admit ';'. If the user uses any other dialect, he must comply to that dialect specific syntax.

As mentioned before, the reverse code is optional, but it is strongly recommended that the user writes it in order to benefit from the improved performance on update and retracts.

The accumulate CE can be used to execute any action on source objects. The following example instantiates and populates a custom object:

rule "Accumulate using custom objects"
    $person   : Person( $likes : likes )
    $cheesery : Cheesery( totalAmount > 100 )
                from accumulate( $cheese : Cheese( type == $likes ),
                                 init( Cheesery cheesery = new Cheesery(); ),
                                 action( cheesery.addCheese( $cheese ); ),
                                 reverse( cheesery.removeCheese( $cheese ); ),
                                 result( cheesery ) );
    // do something
end Accumulate Functions

The accumulate CE is a very powerful CE, but it gets real declarative and easy to use when using predefined functions that are known as Accumulate Functions. They work exactly like accumulate, but instead of explicitly writing custom code in every accumulate CE, the user can use predefined code for common operations.

For instance, the rule to apply discount on orders written in the previous section, could be written in the following way, using Accumulate Functions:

rule "Apply 10% discount to orders over US$ 100,00"
    $order : Order()
    $total : Number( doubleValue > 100 ) 
             from accumulate( OrderItem( order == $order, $value : value ),
                              sum( $value ) )
    # apply discount to $order

In the above example, sum is an AccumulateFunction and will sum the $value of all OrderItems and return the result.

Drools 4.0 ships with the following built in accumulate functions:

  • average

  • min

  • max

  • count

  • sum

These common functions accept any expression as input. For instance, if someone wants to calculate the average profit on all items of an order, a rule could be written using the average function:

rule "Average profit"
    $order : Order()
    $profit : Number() 
              from accumulate( OrderItem( order == $order, $cost : cost, $price : price )
                               average( 1 - $cost / $price ) )
    # average profit for $order is $profit

Accumulate Functions are all pluggable. That means that if needed, custom, domain specific functions can easily be added to the engine and rules can start to use them without any restrictions. To implement a new Accumulate Functions all one needs to do is to create a java class that implements the org.drools.base.acumulators.AccumulateFunction interface and add a line to the configuration file or set a system property to let the engine know about the new function. As an example of an Accumulate Function implementation, the following is the implementation of the "average" function:

 * Copyright 2007 JBoss Inc
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * Created on Jun 21, 2007
package org.drools.base.accumulators;

 * An implementation of an accumulator capable of calculating average values
 * @author etirelli
public class AverageAccumulateFunction implements AccumulateFunction {

    protected static class AverageData {
        public int    count = 0;
        public double total = 0;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.drools.base.accumulators.AccumulateFunction#createContext()
    public Object createContext() {
        return new AverageData();

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.drools.base.accumulators.AccumulateFunction#init(java.lang.Object)
    public void init(Object context) throws Exception {
        AverageData data = (AverageData) context;
        data.count = 0;
        data.total = 0;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.drools.base.accumulators.AccumulateFunction#accumulate(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
    public void accumulate(Object context,
                           Object value) {
        AverageData data = (AverageData) context;
        data.total += ((Number) value).doubleValue();

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.drools.base.accumulators.AccumulateFunction#reverse(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
    public void reverse(Object context,
                        Object value) throws Exception {
        AverageData data = (AverageData) context;
        data.total -= ((Number) value).doubleValue();

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.drools.base.accumulators.AccumulateFunction#getResult(java.lang.Object)
    public Object getResult(Object context) throws Exception {
        AverageData data = (AverageData) context;
        return new Double( data.count == 0 ? 0 : data.total / data.count );

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.drools.base.accumulators.AccumulateFunction#supportsReverse()
    public boolean supportsReverse() {
        return true;


The code for the function is very simple, as we could expect, as all the "dirty" integration work is done by the engine. Finally, to plug the function into the engine, we added it to the configuration file:

drools.accumulate.function.average = org.drools.base.accumulators.AverageAccumulateFunction

Where "drools.accumulate.function." is a prefix that must always be used, "average" is how the function will be used in the rule file, and "org.drools.base.accumulators.AverageAccumulateFunction" is the fully qualified name of the class that implements the function behavior.

3.6.4. Forall

Forall is the Conditional Element that completes the First Order Logic support in Drools. The syntax is very simple:

forall( <select pattern> <constraint patterns> )

The forall Conditional Element will evaluate to true when all facts that match the <select pattern> match all the <constraint patterns>. Example:

rule "All english buses are red"
    forall( $bus : Bus( type == 'english') 
                   Bus( this == $bus, color = 'red' ) )
    # all english buses are red

In the above rule, we "select" all Bus object whose type is "english". Then, for each fact that matchs this pattern we evaluate the following patterns and if they match, the forall CE will evaluate to true. Another example:

rule "all employees have health and dental care programs"
    forall( $emp : Employee()
            HealthCare( employee == $emp )
            DentalCare( employee == $emp )
    # all employees have health and dental care

Forall can be nested inside other CEs for complete expressiveness. For instance, forall can be used inside a not CE:

rule "not all employees have health and dental care"
    not forall( $emp : Employee()
                HealthCare( employee == $emp )
                DentalCare( employee == $emp )
    # not all employees have health and dental care

As a side note, forall Conditional Element is equivalent to writing:

not( <select pattern> and not ( and <constraint patterns> ) )

Also, it is important to note that forall is a scope delimiter, so it can use any previously bound variable, but no variable bound inside it will be available to use outside of it.