On 21/09/2010 13:44, Wolfgang Laun wrote:
I find that the implementation shown below is more Java-ish. It would have some
advantages when branching based on a ResourceType value, etc. No errors show
up when I use this in Eclipse.
The reason is that enums cannot be extended, so it would make it impossible for sub modules to add new types without changing core.



public enum ResourceType {

    DRL       ( "Drools Rule Language",          "drl"  ),
    XDRL      ( "Drools XML Rule Language",      "xdrl" ),
    DSL       ( "Drools DSL",                    "dsl"  ),
    DSLR      ( "Drools DSL Rule",               "dslr" ),
    DRF       ( "Drools Rule Flow Language",     "rf"   ),
    BPMN2     ( "Drools BPMN2 Language",         "bpmn" ),
    DTABLE    ( "Decision Table",                "xls"  ),
    PKG       ( "Binary Package",                "pkg"  ),
    BRL       ( "Drools Business Rule Language", "brl"  ),
    CHANGE_SET( "Change Set",                    "xcs"  ),
    XSD       ( "XSD",                           "xsd"  );   

    private String  description;
    private String  defaultExtension;

    ResourceType( String description, String defaultExtension ) {
        this.description = description;
        this.defaultExtension = defaultExtension;

    public static ResourceType getResourceType(final String resourceName) {
        return valueOf( resourceName );

    public static ResourceType determineResourceType( final String resourceName ) {
            return valueOf( resourceName );
        } catch( Exception iae ){
            return null;

    public boolean matchesExtension( String resourceName ) {
        return resourceName != null && resourceName.endsWith( "."+defaultExtension );

    public String getDefaultExtension() {
        return defaultExtension;

    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

    public String getName() {
        return this.name();

    public String toString() {
        return "ResourceType = '" + this.description + "'";

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