IntelliFest 22 - 26 Oct 2012
is under way. This year it's located in San Diego, at the Bahia
Resort Hotel.
There will be a dedicated Healthcare day, as well as the normal
Drools&jBPM bootcamps. Both days are available with
registration; although spaces are limited. Followed by the 3
day main event. The main sessions will cover a wide range of
reasoning technologies from the domain of AI,
here. The main sesssion format this year is multi-track to
cater for developers, management and executes. The IntelliFest
for presentations is still open.
The healthcare day is being co-chaired by Dr Emory Fry and Dr
Davide Sottara, and request for presentations is now open. Please
send your healthcare and medical submissions to the following
to: eafry at gmx d0t com.
cc: dsotty at gmail d0t com, mproctor at codehaus d0t org.
Any talks that involve reasoning technologies from the domain of
AI is accepted. However special focus will be given to rules,
workflow, event processing, ontologies, planning and agents. Both
25 and 50 minute talks are accetable.We prefer presentations more
on the clinical side, than on the administration side (i.e.
billing talks).
I have the great pleasure of announcing the healthcare keynote
speaker, Dr Robert Greenes. A
biomedical and infomatics
star from Arizona State University.
Title: "Embedding Decision Support in Clinical Systems"
Dr. Robert
Department of Biomedical Informatics
State University
Dr. Greenes joined ASU in September, 2007 to lead the new
Department of Biomedical Informatics (BMI). This unit,
originally in the School of Computing and Informatics, in the
Fulton School of Engineering, is now a Department under the
newly constituted Biomedicine@ASU framework.
Before coming to ASU, Dr. Greenes spent many years at Harvard,
in the field of BMI, first at Massachusetts General Hospital,
then at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, where he established the
Decision Systems Group in 1980, and developed it into a
leading BMI research and development program. Dr. Greenes was
professor of radiology and of health sciences and technology
(HST), at Harvard Medical School, where HST is a joint
division of Harvard and MIT. He was also professor of health
policy and management at Harvard School of Public Health. For
over 20 years, he has directed the Biomedical Informatics
Research Training (BIRT) program, with support from the
National Library of Medicine and other sources, with
co-directors now representing 10 hospital and university-based
informatics groups throughout the Boston area. Dr. Greenes is
a practicing radiologist, and has also had brief interludes at
Stanford and in industry. Dr. Greenes’ research has been in
the areas of clinical decision support, in terms of models and
approaches to decision making, the knowledge representation to
support it, and its clinical application and validation. He
has also been active in the promulgation of standards and
fostering of group collaborative work, particularly in
knowledge management. A related research interest is
human-computer interaction, particularly with respect to the
use of clinical information systems by providers and patients,
the improved capture of clinical data and the incorporation of
individualized, context-specific decision support. Another
interest is in personal biosensors for monitoring of patients
at risk in a variety of settings.
Modeling of clinical decision making - knowledge
representation - knowledge management - clinical decision
support - personal biosensors - human-computer interaction -
group collaborative work
1970, Ph.D, Harvard University
1966, MD, Harvard Medical School
1962, BA, University of Michigan