Another setting you should check:

The license header should start with /*, not /**.
and since we're 2011 now, eclipse users need to change 2010 into 2011 manually too.
Again, see README.txt for detailed instructions.

Op 14-02-11 14:25, Geoffrey De Smet schreef:
The split-off of guvnor is done, the repository is ready to be used.
See below how to get started.

But before you get started, please check these settings:
For detailed instructions on how to configure this fast correctly, see the README.txt file, currently still at:

How to get started

// Close eclipse/intellij
cd ~/projects
// Move the old repostory out of the way
mv droolsjbpm monolitic-droolsjbpm
// Make a directory to hold all the new repositories
mkdir droolsjbpm
cd droolsjbpm
git clone guvnor
git clone droolsjbpm-tools
// As the split-up continues, you'll be able to add more repo's
// Make a new workspace in Eclipse/IntelliJ
// Add each of the new repo's as maven projects to that new workspace

Temporary workaround during the next week

Because the split-up is still ongoing (not everything split up yet + the hudson jobs don't deploy snapshot yet),
you 'll need to do this to get it to work, because the repo's still depend on the old parent pom for now:

cd ~/projects
// go the old repo and get it up to date
cd monolitic-droolsjbpm
git pull --rebase
// Just build and install the parent pom
mvn clean install -N
cd ..
cd droolsjbpm
cd guvnor
mvn clean install -DskipTests
cd ..
cd droolsjbpm-tools
mvn clean install -DskipTests

Status of split-up

Guvnor and droolsjbpm-tools are unfrozen and mostly ready.
Integration is starting now, might take till tomorrow.
Drools will be started Wednesday.
droolsjbpm-knowledge and droolsjbpm-parent will be started later this week
drools-planner has to be redone.
droolsjbpm-dist will be started after those.
General cleanup and improvements can run into next week.
With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet
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With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet