My company made a (quite detailed) benchmark of a few business rules languages (~20), including criteria such as expressiveness, user-friendliness for business and IT people, formal quality and other aspects such as tools support.

We did not include the particular SBVR compliance as it was not finalized at that time, but If you're interested I could send it tomorrow.


Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 15:34:14 +0200
Subject: [rules-dev] Rule Engine Benchmarking...

Hi there!
I was wondering whether there exists a complete benchmark on Drools Rule Engine or not.
Is there any new public benchmark comparing Drools to another Rule Engine?
In case I should do it by myself, what set of parametes should I consider in order
to benchmark a Business rule engine?... I mean the minumum set.
I spent a couple of weeks reading stuff on BRMS and I think the main parameters are:
SBVR compliance, JSR 94 Compliance, RETE compliance, Inference performance, usability...
Could You suggest me anything else?
Thank you very much.
Kind regards.

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