I finally found another program (PeterThiemann's Ebnf2ps) for creating syntax diagrams from an EBNF grammar which is close to, but regrettably not identical to the antlr3 grammar notation. Babel all over again.

You can download them as a pdf file from my home page http://members.inode.at/w.laun/ or just follow this link. The grammar has been streamlined according to what was discussed here yesterday.

Currently they are copyright Wolfgang Laun, which doesn't mean I won't contribute them to the Project. But the Team will have to make up their mind whether they want them at all, and in which way, and whether they want to include the production steps, etc. etc. Currently I run Ebnf2ps (a Haskell program) to produce the diagrams as individual eps files, which are imported by a simple LaTeX document. Some NTs had to be broken down so as not to exceed the margins because this (otherwise fine) program doesn't have a feature to wrap wide diagrams. If I get around to learning my umpteenth programming language I might have a go trying to fix that...
