maybe it could be a html instead of index.jsp? change the welcome to point to it (just means no firing up the jsp compiler on the app server for no real reason). I can't remember if there was anything in it that required server side code to run though... so it might be necessary
For some reason it was missing the index.jsp file that redirected it to
drools-guvnor/org.drools.guvnor.Guvnor. In Eclipse it jumps to it
This should be fixed now.
Jervis Liu wrote:
> Hi,
> The drools-guvnor.war built from drools trunk does not work anymore. I
> have tried JBoss 4.3 and JBOSS 5.1, neither work. There is no error
> message or exception in log, the browser just say "The requested
> resource (/drools-guvnor) is not available". Does anymore know whats
> going on there? I am looking into this right now, but if you know what
> may cause the problem, please also help. I am pretty sure it was working
> two weeks ago. �BTW, it still works in Eclipse.
> Cheers,
> Jervis
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