There are a number of references to M2_REPO in eclipse .classpath files which are appear to no longer be used by the MVN build (for at least the test case + install phase).  I'm assuming it is because the CI loop is fine but the eclipse stuff has not been maintained.

Would any committers here be interested if I patched out the artifacts within the .classpath files which I don't think we need anymore and sent up the diff?

or - 

should we remove the .classpath and .project?

or - 

should we enable the sonatype maven plugin within the .project files?

Some examples are:
drools-decisiontables/.classpath has
 - antlr
 - cglib
 - stringtemplate
 - hamcrest-core
 - hamcrest-library
 - jmock-legacy
 - jmock
 - objenesis

Let me know what you guys think ...

-- Randy Secrist
GE Healthcare