Hello Dev List,

I encountered an issue today with my KnowledgeAgent removing resources from its RuleBase shortly after creating it.  I have the ResourceChangeScanner running in my application.

I tracked the issue back to the scan() method in ResourceChangeScannerImpl.  It appears that the method is trying to identify resources that are no longer available and remove them from both the RuleBase and future scans.  To do this it is checking lastModified on the resource and on a result of 0 removing the resource.  The resources that I configured in my change-set definitely still exist, but due to URL handler implementation provided by my classloader, getLastModified always returns 0.  (The resource I'm retrieving is coming from a jar that is in my application's classpath and the URL handler implementation is oracle.classloader.SharedCodeSourceURL)

Do you think it would be possible for the scan to identify unavailable resources some other way than with the lastModified? and then if lastModified is 0 maybe always or never update the resource? I'm not sure what the best approach to that would be, but removing resources when their lastModified is 0 seems incorrect to me.


Steve Ronderos