
Maciej has reported issues running Guvnor (master\to be 5.5.0.beta1) on JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final.

Whilst there is a (potential) Guvnor specific issue we are looking into he also reported the need to add the following dependencies:-
Maciej has also reported the need to add these additional dependencies for jbpm-console and jbpm-human-task-server.

Anybody know of any changes downstream that could lead to the problem Maciej is encountering?

Guvnor 5.4 was OK on AS7.1.1 and both Guvnor 5.4 and Guvnor 5.5 are OK on Tomcat.

Do we want to make this a blocker for 5.5.0.beta1?

With kind regards,
