OK with me.

What was agreed in the end?

Have fun :)

On 2 August 2013 15:54, Alexandre Porcelli <porcelli@redhat.com> wrote:
Hello Everyone,

 An important refactoring on UberFire lifecycle annotations needs to be executed... This refactoring involves some renames and package change.

 This is very low risk operation, but still a boring task to do manually... this is exactly what I want propose on this email. I'm volunteer myself to execute this change on all projects myself (expected to be an easy task using IDE refactoring), but in order to do it on my own, I'd need to be sure that all of you have pushed the latest changes to GitHub + have a code freeze for, let's say... a day.

 My proposal is execute this today (friday) by the end of the day - remember that I'm GMT-3 (I'm 4hours behind London time)... Unless someone has some objection, I'll start this by 3PM of my local time (7PM London) and hopefully should be done in 24hours (Sat, 3PM).

 Sorry for the inconvenience, but better do it soon than later.

Alexandre Porcelli

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