All, just to share something I recently realized (although in hindsight might be obvious). 

   As everybody knows, everyone working in a project with GIT, should be using a cloned repository, and only push to the blessed repository when it is safe. Even more than that, working on a branch created specifically for your feature makes things a lot easier, specially to send pull requests. 

   The problem is that when you are working on a large feature with many commits, for several weeks in a row, you have to keep rebasing your work on top of master so that you can be sure your code includes the work of everybody else. But when you are rebasing like 30+ commits (my case with the serialization work), each commit representing one step on your changes, it is possible that each rebase will cause many conflicts.... even worse, the same file will probably cause several conflicts during a single rebase. 

   The solution to the problem is actually very simple... when you accumulate several commits and you start having problems with rebase, just squash all your commits into a single commit. This way your new single commit will contain the whole change, and not a sequence of small changes. More than that, the change will be consistent with the HEAD of the branch/master at the time you do it and once you resolve any eventual conflicts, you will not need to resolve them anymore in future rebases. 

   The ProGIT book shows you how to do this [1], but please remember the golden rule:


   Just thought it was worth sharing.



  Edson Tirelli
  JBoss Drools Core Development
  JBoss by Red Hat @