Nah, this was just to test the reported syntax problems with a variable number of arguments. 

And the mvel was what caused the original problem, since variable arguments works fine with dialect Java. I put it in to assert another MVEL problem and forgot to take it out for you.

Sorry for not creating a more intelligent test case ;-)

On 8 March 2012 15:30, Mario Fusco <> wrote:

I think I have found a fix for the issue you reported. Anyway, it is not very clear to me what you originally wanted to achieve with this example since, by using my fix, the 2 rules cause an endless loop even if you used the no-loop flag because each one feeds the other. I think this is the correct behavior unless you don't annotate the MySet class with @PropertyReactive. Indeed I checked that making the class property specific allows you to avoid the infinite loop and the test terminates with the following 2 sets:

[z, y, x]
[two, one, three, four, z]

Please confirm that what I am reporting corresponds with your expectations.

I also noticed that, in the test you attached, you used the mvel dialect for the first rule and by doing that the drl compilation fails. At a first glance this is caused by a mvel bug, not supporting varargs in the constructor signature. I am going to give a look also to this problem.


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