[With Permission...]

Good News!  Drools Boot Camp will be co-located with October Rules Fest!  Now you can have your cake and eat it too!  Mark Proctor and Edson Tirelli are already featured speakers at ORF 2009 but now they will have a Drools Boot Camp at that same place and it's free for ORF 2009 Attendees.  (If that's all that you want from ORF then there is a small charge to help pay for the room, coffee, etc.)

We're re-designing the ORF 2009 Agenda right now to accommodate a Thursday Think Tank (T3) that is a round table discussion by the industry's leaders.  People such as Mark Proctor, Dr. Forgy, Gary Riley, Carlos Seranno-Morales and others.  The T3 will set the direction of rulebased / BRMS development for the next decade and the ORF 2009 Attendees will be there to listen and contribute.

So, with DBC co-located with ORF 2009 - AND - the T3 this should prove to be an explosive combination of events that, while not on a par with the Big Bang, certainly will be one of the most exciting events of this decade.  Well, for rulebase geeks, anyway.  :-)

Check out for more details.  (DBC probably won't show up until Monday or Tuesday)

James Owen
Founder October Rules Fest
Senior Consultant / Architect KBSC
Twitter: OctRulesFest
Blogs: [Rulebased Systems Blog] [October Rules Fest Blog] [Expert Systems Consulting Group Blog]

"If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."
Sir Isaac Newton in a letter to Robert Hooke, 5 Feb 1676

Come to October Rules Fest and stand on the shoulders of the Giants of the industry; if only for a week.