Hello Rules Devs,

I'm experiencing an issue in Drools 5.0.1.FINAL using a KnowledgeAgent to build my rules which are defined in a change-set.xml file.  My rules resources contain a dsl and a dslr.  Everything was working perfectly until today when I changed the names of the dsl and dslr files.  All of the sudden the Agent started throwing exceptions saying that the dsl patterns could not be expanded.  After a little research it appears that the reason this is happening is that the Agent does not necessarily build the resources defined in the change-sets provided to it in the order that the resources are defined.  For now I have stopped using the KnowledgeAgent.  It turns out that I'm not really using any of the KnowledgeAgent features and that a KnowledgeBase will work fine for now.  In the future I would like to use the KnowedgeAgent.  I googled around a little to try to find any other information on this issue but found nothing.  Is this a known issue? Should I log a JIRA request?


Steve Ronderos