Whilst no expert in either the REST side of Guvnor or Maven or our builds, I would elect having the integration test remove the section and have the pom's include.

As a developer I would find it easier to follow the code rather than what can appear as abstract maven configurations. But this could well be my lack if clarity of some maven setups.

I also lean towards having the default (i.e. maven config) as full and whittle it down elsewhere than having the default as minimal and add later.

I am sure others (Geoffrey) will have stronger opinions.

Appreciating your contributions.



sent on the move

On 20 Jun 2012 23:05, "Mikael Lönneberg" <emil@snickeboa.com> wrote:

Hi all,

Thought I would get your input before I go any further on the task of creating the separate builds for the different target platforms.
In switching to RESTeasy as the jax-rs framework this causes an issue RESTEASY-586 when we deploy to AS7 as RESTeasy is already bundled/provided in AS7. So for all other platforms we need to include the resteasy-*.jar and for as7 they need to be removed. This is pretty straight forward.
However we also need to add or remove this section


 to guvnor-webapp-drools web.xml depending on the target platform, this is were it becomes a little tricky.
What version should be checked in? Running in hosted mode requires the section to exist, running Arquillian integration-tests requires it to be removed, since integration-tests are run on as7.

I'm leaning towards having the section included by default and remove it in GuvnorIntegrationTest or having the build process filter and create a new version per platform which can then be copied into the WebArchive in GuvnorIntegrationTest.

What are your thoughts?

Kind Regards

Mikael Lönneberg (gwendo)

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