Some responses below...
I'm aware that you are working on 'From', to pull external data and use it in
the Rule conditions for comparison with that external data.
Three Questions:
Q1. I could define my own business object that fetches in the data? Cant I?
What additional benifit does 'From' give me?
Q2. I use Decision Tables extensively; how do I use 'From' in a decision table?
is it like a Keyword,.. but I cant imagine how it would be used? Could you
please give an example.
Q3. When executing PL/SQL logic, the data is at the database itself and so is
the logic.
3.1. If we decide to abstract the logic to rules and fetch data from the
database, in theory wouldnt pure PL/SQL be faster inspite of Rete running the
3.2. Since most mainstream applications use external data, when we talk about
SPEED how significant can the rule engine be? If my conditions depend on
external data, does the speed of the rule engine really count? Unless the rule
engine is sitting inside the database I have my doubts.
... The above are pratical issues that am sure everyone would ask.
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