Last November I bloggged about the great news for collaboration on Drools between the US Navy and OSDE (Argentinian health care). This is with a focus of potentially enabling Drools as an important component for the Open Source Healthcare Connect project, which provides a gateway into NHIN.

Since then we've had other heath care organisations show an interest in getting involved at some level. So it made sense that we should potentially organise another event, similar to last years boot camp, but specifically for the healthcare community.

The event will cover the usual intro into Drools, along with additional talks on the recent developments of Drools; such as our simulation/testing frameworks and service frameworks. We would ideally like to keep this industry and academic research focused. That means we will need as many third party industry and academic research talks as possible and break out sessions to discuss requirements and potential collaborations.

So whether you want to come along and tell the world about your research projects, requirements and ideas or just see what others are up to, or just find out what Drools is about, this should be a useful event for anyone in the healthcare industry.

If this interests you, either as an attendee or a presenter, then please let me know. The date is quite soon, tentatively last week of March and at the Duke University in North Carolina for 3 days.
