>I commented out the bad code, so I can continue with getting testing to work. The test target is now getting executed but I get the following error:
>     [echo] Running org.drools.eclipse.AllTests
 >    [java] Class not found "A fragment bundle cannot load classes: org.drools.eclipse.AllTests"
 >    [java] Java Result: 2
The code from Alex blewitt is wrong,.
I fixed it: see rev 10798.
A fragment does NOT have a class laoder.

//PO: this is wrong. we need to use the PLUGIN_ID of the host, not that of the

// fragment

// public static final String PLUGIN_NAME = AllTests.class.getPackage()

// .getName();

public static final String PLUGIN_NAME = "org.drools.eclipse";

for the jars stuffs, you may not want to use the flag crteate update jar in the
Or else it crteate update style jars for each plugin/feature.


philippe ombredanne | 1 650 799 0949 | pombredanne at
nexB - Open by Design (tm) -

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Proctor []
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 11:18 PM
To: Rules Dev List
Cc: Kris Verlaenen; Philippe Ombredanne
Subject: Re: [rules-dev] drools-eclipse

Also the testing environment expects the plugins and features to be packages as directories inside the zips, but for deployment we really want a jars inside a zjp. Any way to have the test plugin/feature use directories and the main plugin/feature use a jar? Or is the only way to unzip the jars to folders and delete the jars?

Mark Proctor wrote:
I have two unit tests failing to compiler still:
DRLCompletionProcessTest is failing becuase "DefaultCompletionProcessor.filterProposalsOnPrefix" is not a static method call. Which is confirmed here

RuleContentOutlinePage is failing because page.populatePackageTreeNode( source ) does not expect a parameter. Which is confirmed here

When doing "run as junit" inside eclipse the ZoomControlTests fail, "worspace closed".

LocationDeterminatorTest has a failure for "testCheckLocationDetermination" "expected <2> but was: <1>

Kris Verlaenen wrote:
I have now fixed most tests, at least they seem to be running here locally.
Note that one of the tests (ZoomControlTest) is actually a plugin test, not sure if you can run those within the automatic build, as they need the eclipse IDE to startup when testing (not sure, maybe maven has support for eclipse plugin unit tests?).  Not sure how important that test is (I commented out some lines to get it working, I'll fix that later).

Let me know if you need more help in getting the build for the eclipse-plugin integrated in the overall build.
On 4/5/07, Kris Verlaenen <> wrote:
I will try to fix all tests for the eclipse-plugin as soon as possible (hope I can get them working tonight).
So that includes uncommenting tests again, making sure they compile and making sure they are executed succesfully.
On 4/4/07, Mark Proctor < > wrote:
Also not only are many tests commented out, but most tests fail, would
be good if we can sort this out.

Mark Proctor wrote:
> Just a reminder that I have refactored the eclipse stuff and there are
> now four directories.under drools-eclipse, drools-ide no long exists.
> drools-eclipse-plugin
> drools-eclipse-feature
> drools-eclipse-test
> drools-eclipse-test-feature
> We are gradually fully automating and customising maven so the top
> level build.xml will be killed off. soon, and most likely no longer
> works. However ant is still used to build the documentation and the
> eclipse plugin, it is just integrated into the mavne lifecycle using
> the antrun plugin.
> We will continue include the engine, eclipse and brms in the same
> build system for now as the project is quite fluid and we need close
> co-operation. In the future, when the engine api and language features
> mature, we may look at seperating brms and eclipse, or atleast the
> brms, so that they baseline with a specific version of the engine
> release, this will allow projects to do releases on their own.
> I have automed the eclipse plugin build, although still trying to get
> the unit tests automated, and that is now part of the maven life
> cycle. Edson is currently investigating having the various ant and
> manfiest files having their information populated from maven - i.e .
> dependencies and version info.
> drools-eclipse is now activated as a profile, using the eclipse.home
> settings, this is part of the automation process and the libs will not
> be copied across unless you do this.
> mvn -Dmaven.test.skip -Declipse.home=c:\java\eclipse install
> The following classes have commented out tests, can I ask who ever is
> responsible for them to sort this out. I want to get the eclipse
> automation and testing ship shape, which will make things easier for
> the future.
> IncompleteParsingTest
> ReteooLayoutFactoryTest
> RuleContentOutlineTest
> Mark
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