Hi all,

Thanks for letting me know the changes.
I've processed all changes (until a few minutes ago) on the team page:
Please check if the changes are to your liking.
Don't hesitate to let me know if anyone would like to see anything changed.

Some notes:
- I didn't add an image/avatar at this time, as I 'd have to redesign the entire page (which takes quite some time). If people feel strongly about this, I can look into it...
- I didn't specify what exactly everyone did, as this doesn't scale: for some contributors (salaboy, ...) this would be a big list. So I just specified the version at this time. Instead I am thinking about linking to JIRA, ohloh, masterbranch or github?
With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

Op 28-05-11 11:39, Jari Timonen schreef:
Jari Timonen (jari timonen at zeniitti net)
 Drools Guvnor 5.2+
 IRC nickname: zenix
 twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/jtimonen (@jtimonen)

On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 3:44 PM, Geoffrey De Smet
<ge0ffrey.spam@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi guys,

If you 've contributed pull requests, patches, ... to the 5.2 release
and you aren't already credited on our team page:
then just reply here with the changes for that website
and I 'll update that website.

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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