Just a heads up. I checked in some major refactoring and dependency changes for the BRMS, to get it more "enterprise ready" with confiugration options and security and stuff.

So what does this mean?

* It is still a WAR - BUT an app server (or tomcat etc) that can use Java 5 is required. Anyone who doesn't like that, you better come up with a good reason pronto !
* To rebuild - will need to run mvn install on drools-repository, and then mvn package on drools-jbrms (as per instructions) - you may run into some hassles with building, just drop me a line.
* there is a components.xml which contains configuration items like where the database is etc.
* you can run it still in full "hosted" mode for debugging (but only single user, deploy to an app server for multi user)
* I may have forgotten something, so drop me a line, kick me in the butt etc.
* There are a fair few new dependencies, but nothing to get to excited about yet.