
   The use of queries in rules LHS is part of the work Mark wants to do to support hybrid forward-backward-chaining rules. It will come in time.
   Regarding the multiple pattern support for accumulate, I believe there already is an open ticket, but feel free to open one if there isn't.


2007/7/29, Geoffrey De Smet <>:
I wonder if there are any plans to allow query's to be reused in
accumulate functions? Something like

    query "multipleQueensHorizontal"
        Queen($id : id, $y : y);
        Queen(id > $id, y == $y);

    rule "x"
        Integer() from accumulate(
          count(query "multipleQueensHorizontal") // <==

If not, mind if I make a (long term) issue if you think it's a good idea
and possible to implement?
Is there an issue for Multiple Pattern Accumulate and if not, mind if I
create one?

Thanks as always :)

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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  Edson Tirelli
  Software Engineer - JBoss Rules Core Developer
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