Just a remark, everytime you fetch from upstream and merge/push into your own fork, that commit is automagically added to the pull request, so if you're doing that "synchronization" often, your pull request won't get stale.

Since, it's a risky one, my pull request (https://github.com/droolsjbpm/drools/pull/2) is on the waiting list since 5/April, for example, and it can still be "automatically merged" according to github.


On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 11:17 AM, Geoffrey De Smet <ge0ffrey.spam@gmail.com> wrote:
+1 It might help to keep hudson blue more often.

but pull requests need to be merged as soon as possible.
So per git repository it needs to be clear who's taking care of the pull
Otherwise no one might and they might go stale and we 'd loose valuable
which would be worse than before.

For example:

droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap => Geoffrey
knowledge-api => Edson (same person as on drools I presume)
drools => Edson
drools-planner => Geoffrey
jbpm => Kris
droolsjbpm-integration => ?
guvnor => ?
tools => Bob Bolt?
build-distribution (the OSGi stuff) => ?

Op 10-05-11 10:56, Mark Proctor schreef:
> We've been monitoring github over the last few weeks. Github now makes
> it trivial for people to work in their own forks and submit pull
> requests. We have found that from time to time people don't rebase
> properly or check their commits after a push, and thus end up
> overwritting other people's work. We are thinking of trialing the
> leuitenant model for a while, where just core people are responsible for
> accepting and applying pull requests. With git's distributedd model,
> this should hopefully work out well.
> So from this point on, unless you are a core developer responsible for a
> specific module, can I ask that you submit pull requests for future work?
> thanks
> Mark
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With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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