Hi Jill,
Which drools' version are you using? I recently added DSL/DSLR support in knowledge agent. It would be great if you could use what I just did. Unfortunately you will need to use a SNAPSHOT or wait until 5.1 RC1. 
I didn't understand if you are already using knowledge agent for brl files or not. When using DSL/DSLR files with the knowledge agent whenever you modify the DSL resource you will need to mark the DSLR file as modified too in order regenerate the rules.

More info about knowledge agent could be found in documentation (not yet DSL/DSLR support :P ).

By the way, this is not a dev question.


On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 6:48 PM, jillika iyer <jillika@gmail.com> wrote:

I am creating dsl files using jboss-brms and importing them to my eclipse and adding them to the knowledge agent.

Now ideally we need to change a dsl or a brl file to a dslr file inorder for it to be processed by the knowledgebase.

So when we use the knowledge agent how does it parse the data and create these files???

Please help me out. I just am trying to add everythin directly to my knowledge base and its not working!

Thank you

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Esteban Aliverti