Weird. Haven't seen this reported before.

Can you a do a "hd pom.xml" comparison on 2 versions of the file to show what's different on every line?
Maybe it's not the line ending, but tabs instead of spaces for example.

Op 22-03-13 14:37, Cristiano Gavião schreef:
Hi Geoffrey,

well, as I use macos the default is the unix end-of-line characters and always when I create a new workspace, the first thing that I do is to change the encode to UTF-8

Worth to say that that problem is happening only in jbpmdroos repositories... I have more than hundred projects that I work here... :(

On 22/03/13 10:09, Geoffrey De Smet wrote:
Here's the relevant eclipse section:

Op 22-03-13 14:05, Geoffrey De Smet schreef:
Check if your IDE settings are compatible with our defaults.

Basically, line endings should be "\n" (except for .bat files).
99% of the files are "\n" line endings.
Recently, a few new files in the drools repo snook in with a different line ending, but those files need have a dos2unix.

Op 22-03-13 13:11, Cristiano Gavião schreef:

I would like to discuss a problem that I'm facing with the git repositories from droolsjbpm when using it with eclipse Jgit/Egit.

The problem is that after import the projects into eclipse IDE and 'shared them with git', all files seems to be modified.
I could find the same type of problem here:

The worst is if I do a "format" in the code file, seems as the entire file have changed. :(

As I use MacOS I've setup my system core.autocrlf with 'input' as stated here:

I've been using egit for a long time and I only face this kind of problem with droolsjbpm repos.

What kind of SO and IDE do you guys use at RedHat ?

Any of you had this kind of problem? any tip how to deal with ?

thanks and regards,


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