Or, should we change the descrs to look like that?
how does that relate to the descrs?

On 2/28/07, Peter Lin < woolfel@gmail.com> wrote:

although drools-compiler has the descr classes, it would be nice to have an Rule Object Model like the one I showed you guys.

this way, a condition would be represented by a condition object like this

public class Condition {

     * Added the attribute to make it easier to compile the rule to
     * java code
    private String objectType;
     * if the attribute is bound to a variable, the method
     * should return the name of the variable.
    private String boundVariable;
     * the attribute of the object to match on
    private String attribute;
     * the operator for the condition, which may be ==, !=
     * <, >, <=, >=, <>
    private String operator;
     * The timestamp of the last change made to the condition.
     * this attribute is optional and is meant to make it
     * easier to run queries on the rules by timestamp
    private long timestamp;
     * the value of the condition
    private String value;
     * the value can be either a single literal value or a list
     * of values of the same type
    private String valueType = null;
     * the version of the condition. for advanced reporting, it's
     * easier if the condition is tagged with a version number.
    private String version;

I'm totally bias, but it would make writing tools easier. things like rule repo, validation, impact analysis, queries and reporting simpler :)


On 2/27/07, Mark Proctor < mproctor@codehaus.org> wrote:
Suggest away.

Michael Neale wrote:
Guys - are there going to be any changes to the compiler API now? Cause now is the time to fix/change it if needed.

I have some suggestions if anyone is interested.

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