There should be no 5.2.1. Only 5.3. Seems there is a jira too. Best to nuke the 5.2.1 jira and upate everything to 5.3.
So there's no point in backporting issues to the 5.2.x branch?
Should I spend time fixing the issue build issue on the 5.2.x branch or does the workaround suffice?

Do we need to revert some POMs or something, or are we too late or is everything OK?

Also, if you git clone (I rebased, but assume the same) 5.2.x it fails to compile due to parental issues (references 5.2.1).
The workaround is to clone all of droolsjbpm, and build with

Technical details:
To avoid some issues with the jbpm installer URL's, I believed it would be easier to put the branch on 5.2.1 directly instead of 5.2.1-SNAPSHOT as it should be.
Those unfinished 5.2.1's are deployed to a nexus staging repository (which is a dead end), so they are not released.
However... since those snapshots aren't available on a real repository (being the release or snapshot respository), you can't build a git repo without building everything.



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