nice work.. 
yes "syntax cushioning" is the best term I have heard for this. 

I am sure your enhancements would be welcome. 

On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 5:14 AM, Wolfgang Laun <> wrote:
I have, at long last, overcome my disinclination against spreadsheets and played around a bit.

As one of the incentives (perhaps the main one) for this kind of rule authoring appears to be a "syntax" cushioning by spreadsheet entries, I feel that additional simplifications might be appreciated. Therefore, I have modified some classes in  org.drools.decisiontable.parser, to achieve the following, in the area of RuleSet entries:
  • All entries are now repeatable, either by adding more cells to the right of "import" than just one (with a comma-separated list) or by writing more that one "Import" row.
  • Same for "Variables", "Functions" and "Queries".
  • All tags ("Import",...) are case insensitive and immune against leading and trailing spaces.
  • Some user errors don't cause NPE; they throw an exception with an explanatory message
Opinions, please, and should I just release this, or would someone care to have a look and test it?

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Michael D Neale