Working with regular expressions with JBOSS rules
by Jonathan Gaytant
Dear Sir,
I'm trying to use a regular expression with drools but unfortunately it
doesn't seem to work. I've read a lot on the mailing list but i have not
found a solution yet. Keep in mind that Drools is totally new to me (i have
read most of the manual) and some things are still a bit bizarre to me.
rule* "name check"
$form : PersonForm(firstName *matches* "[a-zA-Z]*" );
I have tested my regular expression in a simple java application and this
works. I do not get a error message, but my cpu peaks to 100% and my memory
mounts until 200+ mb. And this does not change until i reboot the server.
(JBOSS 4.0.5).
Thanks in advance,
17 years, 3 months