I'm using version 4.0.4 of the BRMS. I'm running RAD (based on Eclipse 3.2.2 I believe), which runs Websphere 6.1.x. I've noticed an issue with uploading the model to the BRMS. It's supposed to be possible to include resources other than .class files in a .jar; in particular there's an option to include the corresponding .java source files. The BRMS works fine for me if I try to upload a .jar with only .class files, but if I try to upload one with source included, I get the dreaded java.lang.ClassFormatError: … bad magic number at offset=0 exception. The model might look like it's uploaded ok, but any attempt to validate header information or generated DRL source will yield this exception. It's not that bad to just strip out the source on .jar files I have, but it would be even nicer if I didn't have to ;)