Hi Mauricio,

Yep, drools-core's Manifest.MF is being auto-generated by the maven-bundle-plugin. it is ok:

            <Import-Package>!org.drools.*, *,org.osgi.util.tracker</Import-Package>
            <Export-Package>!org.drools.visualize,org.drools.reteoo.*, org.drools.*</Export-Package>

The problem is that ${drools.osgi.version} property variable has been set up to 5.3.1.SNAPSHOT by hand in the droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap project.

"5.3.1.SNAPSHOT" is not a valid OSGi sentence. the right one is 5.3.1.qualifier. And its maven brother is "5.3.1-SNAPSHOT"

Should I raise a Jira?



On 28/12/11 08:01, Mauricio Salatino wrote:
Hmm I'm not sure.. I'm creating my own bundles here. But it seems that
the bundle can be auto-genarated by a maven plugin that is picking the
project version to generate the bundle.. I'm just guessing..

2011/12/27 Cristiano Gavião <cvgaviao@gmail.com>:
Hi again,

Could someone from the Drools team explain me something about why the use of
"5.3.1.SNAPSHOT" as the bundle version ?



On 25/12/11 03:17, Cristiano Gavião wrote:

I've tried unsuccessfully to upgrade my osgi application to jbpm 5.2 and
Drools 5.3. I'm using tycho and I got this error:

[ERROR]   Missing requirement: org.drools.core 5.3.1.Final requires 'bundle
org.drools.api 5.3.1.SNAPSHOT' but it could not be found

Its worth to say that with Jbpm 5.1 and Drools 5.2 everything is ok.

Looking at the org.drools.core pom's I could see that the problem seems to
be this:


So ${drools.osgi.version} is being resolved to 5.3.1.SNAPSHOT that is not
being resolved because .SNAPSHOT is not a valid OSGI word as the .qualifier



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