that sounds correct.

No you can't really depend on things happening in a certain order. of course it will be consistent between executions for the same data, but you can't count on that. It would mostly be effected by the order in which you assert facts.

I guess the question is why are you concerned in what order it does things?


On 2/13/07, Olenin, Vladimir (MOH) <> wrote:

I was trying to find more detailed explanation on how the fact tuples for
activations are being selected based on the constraints, but couldn't find
much. So, I guess I just want to assert my understanding of this process is

Assuming I have the following set of 'Accounts' with the fields:

ID  | Province       | City        | Type        | Balance
1  | ON             | Toronto     | Checking    | 1000
2  | BC             | Vancouver   | Checking    | 100
3  | ON             | Toronto     | Visa        | 2000
4  | ON             | Toronto     | Checking    |-100
5  | BC             | Vancouver   | Checking    | 100
6  | BC             | Vancouver   | Visa        | 150
7  | AB             | Calgary     | Checking    | 100
7  | AB             | Toronto     | Checking    | 300

I have two rules to process:

1) within each province, the sum of balances on Visa accounts should less
then 10 times the sum of balances on Checking accounts (within the same
2) within each province, the sum of balances on Checking accounts should be
a positive number
3) within each province and within each city, the number of visa accounts
should be no more than 2 times the number of checking accounts

If I model my business objects like this:

1) Account  (id, province, city, type, balance)
2) Province (province)
3) City     (province, city)

And WorkingMemory will be initialized (for the data above) with:
        - 7 Account instances (ids 1 through 7)
        - 3 Province instances (ON, AB, BC)
        - 3 City instances (Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary)

Then the rules containing 'within province' would read like:
Rule '1'
        Province($prov: province)
        $a: Account(province == $prov)
        // accumulate sums on Checking and Visa accounts as Edson showed in
previous emails

The rule containing 'within province, within city' would have then:
Rule '3'
        Province($prov: province)
      City($city: city, province = $prov)
        $a: Account(province = $prov, city = $city)
        // accumulate sums on Checking and Visa accounts as Edson showed in
previous emails

Is this correct business object model to achieve the goal? Do I understand
correctly that the LHS statement:

        Province($prov: province)
      City($city: city, province = $prov)
        $a: Account(province = $prov, city = $city)

Can be read as:

        For each province
                For each city within the province
                        For each account for the given city and province

What 'guides' the order in which fact tuples are selected from the set of
all facts in the WorkingMemory? Can any particular sequence be guaranteed?


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