> @Vincent: I'm concerned about the first stack trace line, which is
> where no executable code can be. Clear this up first...

Me ? Really no idea why this line ...
This line, in 5.3 code, is the class declaration. Indeed, node an executable piece of code ...

I've found another thread : http://drools.46999.n3.nabble.com/rules-users-Drools-5-4-0-FINAL-and-OSGI-Unable-to-instantiate-service-for-Class-org-drools-concurren-td4017660.html
where we can see a stack trace giving a "org.drools.common.NamedEntryPoint.insert(NamedEntryPoint.java:53) " which is the class declaration line in 5.4 source code...

May be that some JVMs points that because there are some static inits in the class ?
Or may be some AOP usage ?

All other line calls (insert etc etc) matches exactly the lines shown in the stack trace, so to me, it is not so important ... at least not for the problem here.
The real problem is why ObjectTypeConf conf.getTypeDeclaration();  
returns null using Guvnor compiled pkg and not via DRL local compilation ...