Your rule exhibits procedural thinking. (For an aspiring rule programmer his is typical teething troubles.)
There's no need to collect all A's and B's in order to determine their number being greater than one or two - this is achieved automatically by a simple triple match rule. Consider
rule "2A - 1B"
$a1: CartItem( productId == "A", processed == false )
$a2: CartItem( this != $a1, productId == "A", processed == false )
$b: CartItem( productId == "B", processed == false )
modify( $a1 ){...}
modify( $a2 ){...}
modify( $b ){...}
I am new to rules engine, after going through the examples shipped (shopping.drl, petstore.drl)
I am trying to implement promotional discounting using drools 5.2.0 final, stateful session. assume cart has all the items that customer wants to buy,
I am trying to bundle them together with the existing offers
rule "Buy X units of Product A and Get Y units of Product B Free"
dialect "java"
$itemsA : ArrayList( size >= 2) from collect( CartItem( getProductId() == "A", !isProcessed()))
$itemsB : ArrayList( size >= 1) from collect( CartItem( getProductId() == "B", !isProcessed()))
// current scenario buy 2*A and get 1*B
int x = 2;
int y = 1;
for(int i=0 ; i < x ; i++){
CartItem $ci = (CartItem) $itemsA.get(i);
// modify($ci){setProcessed(true) ... } dosent work
for(int i=0 ; i < y ; i++){
CartItem $ci = (CartItem) $itemsB.get(i);
// global counter to identify bundled items
the above rule calculates only for 1 set of offer i.e first 2*A & 1*B are considered, rest in the cart are not bundled.
if customer buys 4*A + 2*B it dosent consider it. am I missing anything? is this the right way to do it?
any feedback is appreciated.
Sandeep Bandela.
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