JBoss Developer Studio 4.1.1.GA
Guvnor 5.2.0.Final
Tomcat 7.0.23
Guvnor: Created categories and packages. Imported Pojo jar file
Eclipse: Created drl rules. Added to Guvnor via plug-in
Guvnor: Confirmed drl rules showed up. Everything validated and verified
Eclipse: Modified drl rule. Update via plug-in and discovered that update meant that I got a new copy from Guvnor and overwrote my changes .... rats-changing the name for that command would be nice.
Eclipse: Modified drl rule again. Commit via plug-in.
Guvnor: The drl changes didn't show up when I opened the rule. Checked Version History - it showed three versions (the third being the one with my changes), but indicated that Current Version is 2. If I 'view' version 3 I see my changes.
I tried re-validating and re-verifying rule. I tried saving rule (didn't work). I tried re-validating and rebuilding the package.
I give up ... how do I get Version 3 to be the 'Current Version'.