The view source for the package shows *all* DRL including imports, globals, rules etc. The view source for an individual asset just shows the rule (or whatever) DRL.

You don't normally need to worry that the decision table source does not show an import - unless you are retrieving the source through REST or something.

Building a package in Guvnor will include the imports and rules correctly.

On 28 March 2012 15:58, srinivasasanda <> wrote:
Thanks Manstis,It is working fine when i click ViewSource for package,the
import statements which I added are displaying

import java.util.List;...

But,When I navigate to decisontable(rule),and click ViewSource,the import
statements are not displaying.I need to add import statements in that
rule(guided decison table).The import statements must be displayed when I
click viewSource for that decison table.

Can you please help me out.


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