Thanks Marcus for your response.

But it isn't the case for my problem.
To add a new condition like that don't solve anything in my case. Imagine we have 10 classes like ConvertibleCar. What we do then?

Marcus Ilgner <> wrote:
Hi Oana,

On 2/16/07, nicolae oana wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I have a class Car which is superclass for class ConvertibleCar, two rules
> (described below) and a ConvertibleCar fact in working memory that causes
> both rules to fire, resulting this way an unwanted change to the car`s
> attribute and an infinite loop.
> How do I evitate this problem: the specialization class fact to not match
> its superclass column in a rule?
> ConvertibleCar car =new ConvertibleCar(10000);
> rule "rule-1"
> when
> $car:Convertible()
> then
> $car.setPotentialTheftRating("high");
> end
> rule "rule-2"
> when
> $car:Car(price<20000)
> then
> $car.setPotentialTheftRating("low");
> end
> Best regards, Oana

I'd say that this behaviour is correct in principle. If you want to
avoid this, you could add further constraints in the rules concerning
the superclass:

rule "rule-2"
$car:Car(price<20000, class != Convertible.class)

I'm not sure if this works exactly like that (don't have a Drools
installation at hand), but I guess you get the idea.

Best regards
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