Should I log this as a JIRA ticket.




From: Vijay K Pandey
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2010 9:57 AM
To: 'Rules Users List'
Subject: Drools 5.1.0.M2 - WorkItemNodeInstance -- Listeners can't get hold of WorkItem object




There is a change done in Drools 5.1.0.M2 - org.drools.workflow.instance.node.WorkItemNodeInstance class in the method


public void triggerCompleted(WorkItem workItem)     at line 196  which is setting the workItemId as -1


this.workItemId = -1;


Due to the above change the listeners which are attached to the  “complete” event of the work item – such as the method below


public void beforeNodeLeft(ProcessNodeLeftEvent event)  are not able to get hold of the associated workitem object as it returns null.


Is there any specific reason that workItemId is set to -1 even before the associated listeners get triggered or is this a bug?


If it was an intended change then how do I get hold of the “WorkItem” object in the attached listeners.




p.s This change was not there in the snapshot of 18th April 2010 which I was earlier working on. Above is the only change in this class from the snapshot of 18th April and 5.1.0.M2