Well.... I guess I got it wrong... startProcess is not about what ruleflow-group start the process, is about what ruleflow definition
start firing all rules... but this leads me to the point that this is useful if you have several ruleflows (definitions and files) in the same
ruleBase... why somebody would like to have that?... to control flow? or to try to fire a specific rule and then fire subsequent rules
in a flow?...

My problem is that I dont wanna have many ruleflows definitions for 1 ruleBase, if I would, then I'll use sub-flows...
If I have just 1 ruleflow file, then I dont wanna do startProcess() and I still wanna put rules without ruleflow-group defined so they all
belong to the MAIN/DEFAULT group.


On 08-08-2007, at 12:33, Felipe Piccolini wrote:

Is there anyway to set a default ruleflow-group or a MAIN one so I can put rules without
ruleflow-group in the same drl as those with ruleflow-group defined and use a .rf where I define
a flow in the way that all rules without ruleflow-group (MAIN/DEFAULT) are fired and then a
specific ruleflow-group?

In this way could be not necessary to use session.startProcess("my_ruleflowgroup") in java, just
call fireAllRules() and design the process creating a RuleFlowGroup called/id as "MAIN".

Actually I can do this programatic, but I'm forced to put ruleflow-group in every rule... if I dont wanna to
group some rules in a specific ruleflow-group I have to call them as ruleflow-group "MAIN"... and I dont
wanna the business people to worry about flows when they write rules if they dont need to...

Felipe Piccolini M.

rules-users mailing list

Felipe Piccolini M.