Inside my planning a priority would be considered a soft constraing right? I created a Enum class with 6 priority going from P1 to P6. How can I add it to �my SimpleScoreCalculator? (the lower the number is, the higher is the priority)
For example, i have 7 workorders, each one have a requiredWorktime of 8 hours, 3 a P1, 2 P3 and the other 2 P6, and I have 4 available engineers with 8 hours worktime each one.
At the end, this should be sorted by worktime, skill and priority.
Engineer 1 Skill ABC1, ABC2, ABC3, ABC4
Engineer 2 Skill ABC4, ABC3
Engineer 3 Skill ABC2, ABC3
Engineer 4 Skill ABC1, ABC4
Workorder 1 skill ABC1, ABC2, ABC4, P1
Workorder 2 skill ABC3, ABC4, P1
Workorder 3 skill ABC1, ABC4, P1
Workorder 4 skill ABC4, P3
Workorder 5 skill ABC3, P3
Workorder 6 skill ABC1, ABC2, ABC3, ABC4, P6
Workorder 7 skill ABC1, ABC2, ABC4, P6
at the end, the result should be
Engineer 1 - WorkOrder 1
Engineer 2 - WorkOrder 2
Engineer 4 -�WorkOrder 3
Engineer 3 - WorkOrder 4
and the rest of it shouldn't be planned.
How can I manage this? Will I have to do something like that move or treat it as a hard constraing to?