Mark, thanks for the links and explanation. So if I use Guvnor for administrating my rules, - should I use the URL pointing to LATEST.DRL in change-set instead of the one in package snapshot to get the latest version of rules?
- I assume the communication between my application and the Guvnor will happen by the time applyChangeSet-method (which defines a resource by pointing to the URL of DRL) is called and internally create package out of it (compared to the method newRuleAgent("properties"). Is this correct? Is there any significat difference in required time/performance?
Again, thanks and appreciate your answer
Regards Paul
From: Mark Proctor <> To: Rules Users List <> Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 9:22:22 AM Subject: Re: [rules-users] How to use KnowledgeAgent in the "old manner" (just like RuleAgent)