Hola Miguel como estas

tenemos implemetnaciones exitosas de DROOLS con GUVNOR  en ecuador en el ESTADO , implementaciones grandes de procesos con JBPM y demàs cosas.

Si te interesa esta es nuestra compañía



Adrian Cadena

----- Original Message -----
From: "Miguel Fernando Cabrera" <mfcabrera@gmail.com>
To: rules-users@lists.jboss.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 9, 2010 10:31:40 AM
Subject: [rules-users] Support for Drools Guvnor / Expert in Latin America

Hello to all,

In my company (an insurance company in Colombia) and we are evaluating various BRMS. 
We have been  testing iLog JRules and now we are evaluating Drools Expert/Guvnor (or JBoss BRMS).
As I  am  an open source guy,  I want to use Drools.   As we use a lot of open source libraries right now (like CXF) is easy for me to use the BRE as a library.
However,  when planning to use a full BRMS like Guvnor, we will need someone to install and support it. 
The obvious choice would be  Red Hat / JBoss, However we have tried  to contact sales department but it has been impossible to get an aswer from them.

So, my question is, Does Anyone know a company (could be the states or south america) willing to provide the installation and support services for the BRMS and the maybe the BRE ?

I really appreciate any help on the matter.

Miguel Fernando Cabrera Granados
"A los hombres fuertes les pasa lo que a los barriletes; se elevan cuando es
mayor el viento que se opone a su ascenso." - José Ingenieros

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