Adding a file to your classpath can be as simple as putting the file into your src folder.
Ultimately, however, how you structure your code and resource files in your project is up to you.
This really is elementary Java and there are probably numerous turorials on the Internet about this.
With kind regards,
Hi Mike,
I went through the mortgage example. I saw the guvnor generated
url accessed through a properties file there. I had tried a similar approach
before. But the issue of username/password had cropped up, even when ran as
a simple java application. By creating my own changeset xml only I was able
to resolve the issue.
Could you please elaborate how I can add the ChangeSet to my
classpath, as you suggested earlier?
Or could you tell me which jar files the 'con' entry in .classpath file
refers to : <classpathentry kind="con" path="DROOLS/Drools"/> ?
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