What is probably hurting you now is the number of updates you have in your rules.... :) you can tweak that and you will probably end up being faster than the accumulate.


2008/1/21, Geoffrey De Smet <ge0ffrey.spam@gmail.com>:
Thanks Edson, it was indeed an infinite loop.

I 've made it an normal insert and fixed the room != room (instead of
room != $room) bug.

Still, it turns out worse:

Solved in 500 steps and 30297 time millis spend.
While before I had:
Solved in 500 steps and 13078 time millis spend.

Looks the exists and/or contains might be hurting me a lot?

// More seating required during a period in a room than available in
that room.
rule "existExamSeating"
         $period : Period();
         $room : Room();
         exists Exam(period == $period, room == $room);
         not ExamSeating(period == $period, room == $room);
         insert(new ExamSeating($period, $room));
rule "addExamToExamSeating"
         $exam : Exam($period : period, $room : room);
         $examSeating : ExamSeating(period == $period, room == $room,
examSet not contains $exam);
rule "removeExamFromExamSeatingPeriod"
         $exam : Exam($period : period, $room : room);
         $examSeating : ExamSeating(examSet contains $exam, period !=
rule "removeExamFromExamSeatingRoom"
         $exam : Exam($period : period, $room : room);
         $examSeating : ExamSeating(examSet contains $exam, room != $room);
rule "roomCapacityTooSmall"
         $examSeating : ExamSeating(studentSize > roomCapacity, $period
: period, $room : room);
             $period, $room));

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

Edson Tirelli wrote:
>    Ge0ffrey,
>    Isn't the bellow rule causing an infinite loop for you?
> rule "existExamSeating"
>      when
>          $period : Period();
>          $room : Room();
>          exists Exam(period == $period, room == $room);
>          not ExamSeating(period == $period, room == $room);
>      then
>          insertLogical(new ExamSeating($period, $room));
> end
>    You see, the insertLogical in the consequence will cause the LHS
> condition:
>          not ExamSeating(period == $period, room == $room);
>    To fail. When it fails, it automatically retreats the logical insert,
> what causes the condition to be true again and fire the rule again. And
> you have an infinite loop... don't you?
>     []s
>     Edson
> 2008/1/20, Geoffrey De Smet <ge0ffrey.spam@gmail.com
> <mailto:ge0ffrey.spam@gmail.com >>:
>     Hi,
>     In my statefull working memory on which I fireAllRules over a 1000 timse
>     per second, I have rule which hurts performance because it gets
>     backwards chained (which is bad in my use case):
>     // More seating required during a period in a room than available
>     // in that room.
>     rule "roomCapacityTooSmall" // TODO improve performance, as it takes 50%
>     of the performance
>          when
>              $period : Period();
>              $room : Room($capacity : capacity);
>              $totalStudentListSize : Number(intValue > $capacity)
>                      from accumulate(
>                  Exam(period == $period, room == $room,
>                      $studentListSize : topicStudentListSize),
>                  sum($studentListSize)
>              );
>          then
>              insertLogical(new IntConstraintOccurrence(
>                     "roomCapacityTooSmall", ConstraintType.NEGATIVE_HARD,
>                  $period, $room));
>     end
>     In an effort to turn this into a statefull insertLogical,
>     I 've tried this:
>     // More seating required during a period in a room than available
>     // in that room.
>     rule "existExamSeating"
>          when
>              $period : Period();
>              $room : Room();
>              exists Exam(period == $period, room == $room);
>              not ExamSeating(period == $period, room == $room);
>          then
>              insertLogical(new ExamSeating($period, $room));
>     end
>     rule "addExamToExamSeating"
>          when
>              $exam : Exam($period : period, $room : room);
>              $examSeating : ExamSeating(period == $period, room == $room,
>                     examSet not contains $exam);
>          then
>              $examSeating.getExamSet().add($exam);
>              update($examSeating);
>     end
>     rule "removeExamFromExamSeatingPeriod"
>          when
>              $exam : Exam($period : period, $room : room);
>              $examSeating : ExamSeating(examSet contains $exam,
>                     period != $period);
>          then
>              $examSeating.getExamSet().remove($exam);
>              update($examSeating);
>     end
>     rule "removeExamFromExamSeatingRoom"
>          when
>              $exam : Exam($period : period, $room : room);
>              $examSeating : ExamSeating(examSet contains $exam,
>                     room != room);
>          then
>              $examSeating.getExamSet().remove($exam);
>              update($examSeating);
>     end
>     rule "roomCapacityTooSmall"
>          when
>              $examSeating : ExamSeating(studentSize > roomCapacity, $period
>     : period, $room : room);
>          then
>              insertLogical(new IntConstraintOccurrence(
>                     "roomCapacityTooSmall", ConstraintType.NEGATIVE_HARD,
>                  $period, $room));
>     end
>     However, this turns out to be so slow it's at least 100 times slower
>     (and probably a lot more as I had no time to let the benchmark finish).
>     What could explain this?
>     Is "exists" or "contains" backwards chained?
>     Am I missing something?
>     Thanks for any and all help.
>     --
>     With kind regards,
>     Geoffrey De Smet
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> --
>   Edson Tirelli
>   JBoss Drools Core Development
>   Office: +55 11 3529-6000
>   Mobile: +55 11 9287-5646
>   JBoss, a division of Red Hat @ www.jboss.com <http://www.jboss.com>
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  Edson Tirelli
  JBoss Drools Core Development
  Office: +55 11 3529-6000
  Mobile: +55 11 9287-5646
  JBoss, a division of Red Hat @ www.jboss.com