Easy to understand with String and Character, but what would be an empty Date or empty Number, etc?
Unfortunately the DSL template engine is a text template engine, and as so, does not validate type. The only thing I can think about is if you create a function that is called at runtime, evaluating parameter type and handling it appropriately.
2007/8/31, Brian Enderle <>:
One of the checks that we are required to do on our data is that the data is
not blank, meaning the value retrieved from the DB is not null and not ""
(empty string) or '' (empty characer), etc..
Is there anyway to create a DSL entry to do this check regardless of the data
type (Stirng, character, Date, etc.) that is returned?
I have tried the obvious ({field} == null || {field} == "") but this only
works for String types. I would really like to have just one DSL entry that
would handle all cases.
Brian Enderle
rules-users mailing list
Edson Tirelli
Software Engineer - JBoss Rules Core Developer
Office: +55 11 3529-6000
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