Did this white paper ever get published at
On 11/5/2012 1:10 PM, Wolfgang Laun wrote:
A White Paper containing a similar
sceenario (and other material) will be out soon on some
RedHat/JBoss site.
Laun <wolfgang.laun@gmail.com>
Users List <rules-users@lists.jboss.org>,
05:19 AM
[rules-users] DROOLs callback API for L-value
predicate matching events
by: rules-users-bounces@lists.jboss.org
"Learning the reason for failure to match" is
the title of a section in my
boot camp you missed at this year's IntelliFest a
couple of weeks ago.
You are getting close to the solution, but here's
the outline of the
rule programming design pattern:
Write one rule (high salience) to create an
auxiliary fact (Aux),
containing a reference to the fact under
investigation (Crf) and a
Write one rule each, combining Aux and Crf,
restricting the latter with one
of the required property values/range. On the RHS,
add an
identification to the set component of Aux. DO NOT
Write another rule (low salience) combining Aux
and Crf and see what
Aux contains in the Set. Retract Aux.
On 05/11/2012, Cotton, Ben <Ben.Cotton@morganstanley.com>
> Could a solution be as simple as this? Is
this approach to consuming
> "LCHUS_IRS_CURRENCY_RULE" L-value matching
events sound/complete (and
> not-vulnerable to any race condition?). Is
there any DROOLS EventListener
> callback API that would be more appropriate
to solve the problem?
> E.g. I want to be able to log when each of
these 5 L-value predicates
> either "MATCHES" or "FAILS TO MATCH" (at the
time of the event)
> when
> IRDCurrencyRuleFact(
> productType == "IRS",
> currency=="GBP",
> upfrontFeePaymentDate <
> maturity <= 18275,
//unit = days, i.e. 50 Years
> notional <= 99,999,999,999.99
> //max
> )
> then
> end
> Again the objective is to be able to join a
high-resolution logging
> capability wrt to which of the specific 5
L-value predicates matched.
> Instinctively, to this DROOLs newbie, this
approach seems workable but not
> ideal ....
> rule
> when
> IRDCurrencyRuleFact(productType ==
> then
event 1
> match"); //log event L-value predicate 1
> end
> rule
> when
> IRDCurrencyRuleFact(currency=="GBP")
> then
event 2
> match"); //log event L-value predicate 2
> end
> rule
> when
IRDCurrencyRuleFact(upfrontFeePaymentDate <
> IRDCurrencyRuleFact.terminationDate)
> then
event 3
> match"); //log event L-value predicate 3
> end
> rule
> when
> IRDCurrencyRuleFact(maturity
<= 18275)
> then
event 4
> match"); //log event L-value predicate 4
> end
> rule
> when
> IRDCurrencyRuleFact(notional
<= 99,999,999,999.99)
> then
event 5
> match"); //log event L-value predicate 5
> end
> Ben D Cotton III
> Morgan Stanley & Co.
> OTC Derivatives Clearing Technology
> 1221 AOTA Rockefeller Ctr - Flr 27
> New York, NY 10020
> (212)762.9094
> ben.cotton@ms.com<mailto:ben.cotton@ms.com>
> From: rules-users-bounces@lists.jboss.org
> [mailto:rules-users-bounces@lists.jboss.org]
On Behalf Of Cotton, Ben
> (ISGT)
> Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2012 8:24 AM
> To: rules-users@lists.jboss.org
> Cc: O'Brien, Patrick (ISGT)
> Subject: [rules-users] DROOLs callback API
for L-value predicate matching
> events
> Hi, Can someone please point me to
compelling examples/sample code of how
> to use a DROOLs callback API for very
high-resolution logging of L-value
> predicate matching events?
> E.g. I want to be able to log when each of
these 5 L-value predicates
> either "MATCHES" or "FAILS TO MATCH" (at the
time of the event)
> when
> IRDCurrencyRuleFact(
> productType == "IRS",
> currency=="GBP",
> upfrontFeePaymentDate <
> maturity <= 18275,
//unit = days, i.e. 50 Years
> notional <= 99,999,999,999.99
> //max
> )
> then
> end
> Ben D Cotton III
> Morgan Stanley & Co.
> OTC Derivatives Clearing Technology
> 1221 AOTA Rockefeller Ctr - Flr 27
> New York, NY 10020
> (212)762.9094
> ben.cotton@ms.com<mailto:ben.cotton@ms.com>
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rules-users mailing list
rules-users mailing list
Ben D Cotton III
Morgan Stanley & Co.
OTC Derivatives Clearing Technology
1221 AOTA Rockefeller Ctr - Flr 27
New York, NY 10020<p>