I am a new guy on drools server. I am trying to exposed drools rules in web services.
I downloaded Drools Guvnor Standalone from website, it includes Jboss, then I put drools server war file in deploy folder, and start the Jboss.
When I input "
http://localhost:8080/drools-5.1.1-server/" in browser, it works well. the result is "Execution server is running".
When I input "
http://localhost:8080/drools-5.1.1-server/test.jsp", the expected result should be "echo: Hello world", but the actual result is:
Sending Message: "Hello World"
Response: "org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.ResponseImpl@6231ed"
What is wrong with it? How to solve it? Thanks very much!